EVE Time: 18:04:01 10.02.2025
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EVE-Cost is a third party web based tool for a game called EVE Online. EVE-Cost main focus is to help ease industry management in EVE.
Since EVE-Cost is a evolving project, there will be new features every now and then.
Some of the current features.
Please post feedback to this EVE topic or send Acid Kanshi EVE-Mail in-game. In-game chat channel: EVE-Cost
Updated data dump and images to Into the Abyss.
Updated data dump and images to Citadel.
Made some changes to server configuration.
Data dump updated to YC118 1.0.
Icons and Types images updated to YC118 1.0.
Data dump updated to Vanguard 1.0.
Icons and Types images updated to Vanguard 1.0.
Changed warehouse list url. They are now /warehouse/index/list/:id instead of /warehouse/custom_list/:id .
Warehouse settings button looks like the other settings buttons now. Settings saving is also with JS, like everywhere else.
Warehouse will now remember your last used list. So whenever you come back to warehouse page the last used list will be automatically loaded.
Lots of backend refactoring.
Donators list updates itself every 12 hours now.
Fixed bug on invention calculator where it would not show your saved skill levels.
Changed tool settings saving logic. Report if you discover a bug.
Misc backend updates.
Changed so that only http://www.eve-cost.eu is allowed now (with the www).
Removed teams from everywhere.
Invention calculator should be working again.
Fixed reprocessing calculator formula to match ingame quantities.
Misc backend changes.
If you find something broken, please send feedback.
Data dump updated to Mosaic 1.2.
Data dump updated to Mosaic 1.0.
Icons and Types images updated to Mosaic 1.0.
Data dump updated to Rhea 1.0.
Icons and Types images updated to Rhea 1.0.
Data dump updated to Phoebe 1.0.
Fixed a bug in Active Industry Jobs where it would sometimes not show your previously fetched jobs.
Fixed a bug in saving Industry Jobs to database with wrong completedDate and pauseDate data. Fetching corp/char Industry Jobs History will fix current jobs in EVE-Cost which are in Ready status, but actually are delivered or in other status.
Introduced a workaround for "Ready" status jobs on Industry Jobs fetching page since currently API has a bug where it does not change from In Progress to Ready. Ready jobs should appear with "Ready" status now correctly.
Added Jobs input field to Manufacturing Calculator. With the new material calculations where doing many runs with one job have different material requirements than doing many jobs with one run. You can now calculate your T2 BPC jobs all together where the runs are limited.
Updated IndistryJobs fetching from API. They all should be working now.
Fixed a bug in Research calculator where it calculated wrong level research times.
Updated data dump and images to Hyperion 1.0.
Anyone who is using Thukker Component Array should use 0.85 in ME Slot modifier because currently on TQ it reduces 15% materials, even though the description still says 10%.
Fixed a calculation bug in Job Install Cost related to Facility Tax and Team Salary.
Added info tooltip to Station Owner Tax on Reprocessing Calculator to specify what it exactly is.
Added info tooltip for Manufacturing Calculator slot modifiers, explaining how they work.
Updated donators list. Sorry to all donators whos donation is not in the list (Mostly the donations long time ago). Some wallet rows got lost.
Improved Manufacturing Calculator manufacturing time calculation. It should be a lot more accurate now.
Updated Research Calculator to Crius release.
Data dump updated to Crius 1.6.
Reprocessing calculator should be now correct. Report to me if you find something fishy.
Added Reprocessing Implant option to Reprocessing Calc. settings (RX- implants). These affect only Ore and Ice Implants affect both Ore/Ice and Items.
Fixed Copy Parser on Reprocessing Calc. where it would not make a difference between Ore/Ice and Items (applying wrong skills to outcome calculation).
Fixed item reprocessing calculation bug on Reprocessing Calc. where it would read the user inputed "Facility Base Yield %" although that is always static 50% for item reprocessing.
Added Station Owner Tax instead of Standing, this is the number you see as red in yield info tooltip ingame reprocessing window. Owner Tax works for both NPC stations and player outposts, which was the main reason why Standing did not work out, there are no standings in player outposts, only flat out Owner Tax.
Fixed further some calculation bugs regarding to Station Owner Tax vs. everything else. All calculations should be correct now.
Introduced system teams. EVE-Cost updates teams every cache timer (1hour). Teams are pulled to the calculator by the item groupID you are building and the solarSystemID you have set in settings (Manufacturing System).
Changed settings button graphics. Should be more clearer now.
Fixed team calculation bug where team bonus % would be calculated incorrectly if one team would offer multiple bonuses for same groupID, example HAC and Medium Ship.
Updated reprocessing calculator. Some of the calculations are a bit off. CCP is doing some magical roundings which must be investigated. Possible bugs on CCP part.
Introduced Total Job Cost calculation to manufacturing calculator. EVE-Cost updates system indecies and adjustedPrices on every cache time from API (23 hours for adjustedPrice and 1 hour for system index). Because of the cache times, the calculations will always be a little bit off. Removed the old Installation cost fields and replaced with build region/system for system index and facility tax field.
Fixed various bugs users have been reporting on manufacturing calculator.
Updated warehouse blueprints ME/TE settings to Crius for which is used on manufacturing calculator for BPCs.
Updated Advanced Industry skill percentage per level to 3% on manufacturing calculator which was introduced in latest patch.
Updated material calculation formula to retrofit with the latest patch rounding issue fix.
Fixed manufacturing calculator settings bug where it would not save the settings.
Crius Manufacturing calculator beta version released. If you discover a bug, please report.
Still working on all the other calculators.
Fixed Process to Warehouse on manufacturing calculator where it would not subtract materials from warehouse, but would still add the final product.
Added ME Team field to sub-materials on manufacturing calculator.
Working on Crius update right now.
Changed invention jobs processing to warehouse. It requires now number of successful jobs and runs per one T2 BPC. Price calculation for runs has been fixed. Previously it calculated the price of runs bigger than they actually were.
Update work for Crius release has also begun.
Data dump updated to Kronos 1.0.
Donators list is now fetched from API. Some donators names are lost because EVE API stores only 1 month of data in walletJournal.
February and March donations are the ones which are not in the list. Sorry to everyone who can't see their donation in the list. Your donations are greatly appreciated.
Some of the bigger donations that got lost:
Yongtau Naskingar 530mil ISK
William Kappa 100mil ISK
Cardborg 100mil ISK
Fenix Levi 100mil ISK
Asterix I 150mil ISK
Thank you all donators, bigger and smaller, really helps a lot and motivates to update the site!
Changed API call caching a bit, they all use CCP API provided cachedUntil parameter if available now. Some cache timers might have different times now.
Changed the background image. (Refresh)
Data dump updated to Rubicon 1.3.
Happy new year!
List of players who have donated to support this project: